Today, we're stopping and talking with William Thatch and learning more about him and his
William Thatch is a published author known for his work in the Of Words short story anthologies. Despite being a writer
since the age of five, he really has no words to describe himself. Photographic evidence of his existence is hard to come by, leading many to believe he is Big Foot, who has repeatedly tripped over a typewriter and produced some heart wrenching and hilarious stories. Not at the same time. That'd be weird. He can be followed on Twitter at @The_0s1s
1. Where did your inspiration for your story come from? A real life event. It's been dramatized and turned into metaphors, but the core feelings are there. To the point I have difficulty going back to read any part of it.
2. Who is your favorite character in this story and why? Edward, I guess. It's flash fiction so there's not enough time to really grow attachment to the other two.
3. When you aren’t writing, where can we find you? My bedroom. I don't go out and do things. That costs money I don't have. I just sit and write, or game, or read. I'm either in my desk chair doing those things or on the bed snuggling the doggos.
4. What author has influenced you the most? Definitely J.K. Rowling. She's a master of the craft, but makes it look so effortless.
5. Where do you write? Is there a special place? Share a picture if you wish. At the desk in my bedroom. I'll sometimes write while at my grandparent's home if I'm going to be there over night or longer.
6. Do you consider reading as part of your job as a writer? Why or why not? Of course. You have to read to see how it's done. I personally always read a little bit before writing. To the point it has turned reading from a pastime to part of the work. I can't read now without having to write some afterwards.
7. Other than family, what are five things you cannot live without? 1. Air. Air is pretty important. Without it I'd die. Stupid fragile human bodies. 2. A good friend of mine, Melanie. She was actually of vital important to the creation of Shattered. 3. Some kind of creative outlet. Whether it's writing or building things with Legos. 4. My doggos, Lulu and Angel. 5. Video games. They fill the day when there's nothing else going on.
8. What is your all-time favorite TV show? The Simpsons. They definitely had a hand in developing my sense of humor.
9. Not picking your own, which story in Love Dust is your favorite? Ahh... oooh, this is... Embarrassing? I haven't sat down to read Love Dust yet. Honestly the emotions of Shattered being based off / inspired by real-ish events have left me distancing myself from getting close to the story. I feel like I've been a pain to work with on this anthology because I wrote this a year and a half ago and couldn't truly get through reading it again to submit to Love Dust. Sorry to Jensen and Donise for that. And to the rest of the authors involved.
10. If you could meet one writer in the history of the world, who would it be? What would you talk about? I don't know? Probably Rowling, but to be honest I'm not big on socializing, so there's a good chance we'd just sit and stare awkwardly at each other until one of us made an excuse that we needed to wash our hair and left.
11. What are you working on now? I have a couple of stories in mind that I'm slowly building the details of in my head. I'm actually also working on audio reading of stories, which are going slow because I haven't yet been able to face editing and listening to my voice on the stories I've recorded. I hate my voice. I'm always trying to get back to working on the novel, but I've not written drama in a while, so it's daunting to go back to it. Primarily, however, I'm working on a pitch for a television show.
12. Where can we find more about you and your work? On Facebook at -- I try to update when I feel there's something worth updating, but I'm not very engaging on there at the moment, to be honest. I'm much more active on Twitter at @The_0s1s -- where you can hear anything from how I kicked my nail biting habit to the time I was attacked by a screaming horse fly.
12. Where can we find more about you and your work? On Facebook at -- I try to update when I feel there's something worth updating, but I'm not very engaging on there at the moment, to be honest. I'm much more active on Twitter at @The_0s1s -- where you can hear anything from how I kicked my nail biting habit to the time I was attacked by a screaming horse fly.